periodic-reset’s diary

periodic reset of civilizations

European, you really deserve to be trampled 'under a boot' - ヨーロッパ人、本当に「長靴の下」に踏みつけられるに値するよ。 (in english)

European, you really deserve to be trampled 'under a boot'.


“All men are not equal in heart and spirit.”

From A Short History of Christianity by J. M. Robertson:

“Taken individually, then, an average Christian of the second century was likely to be an unlettered person of the “lower-middle” or poorer classes; living in a town; either bitterly averse to “idols,” theatres, the circus, and the public baths, or persuaded that he ought to be; utterly credulous as to demons and miracles; incapable of criticism as to sacred books; neurotic or respectful towards neurosis; readily emotional towards the crucified God and the sacred mystery in which were given the “body and blood”; devoid alike of æsthetic and of philosophic faculty; without the thought of civic duty or political theory; much given to his ritual; capable of fanatical hatred and of personal malice; but either constitutionally sober and chaste or chronically anxious to be so, and in times of persecution exalted by the passion of self-sacrifice; perhaps then transiently attaining to the professed ideal of love towards enemies.

But the effective bonds of union for the community, whether in peace or during persecution, were rather the ruling passion of hostility to pagan beliefs and usages, and the eager hope of “salvation,” than any enthusiasm of humanity, social or even sectarian. And, as an orthodox ecclesiastic has remarked, we cannot “even cursorily read the New Testament without being astonished by the allusions so often made to immoral persons calling themselves Christians.””

From A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky:

“Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Initiation gave freedom from this gloom, gave a way of escape from the never-ending anguish of the " abodes of the dead ", gave a kind of life in death.

This idea is expressed more clearly than anywhere else in the Easter Hymn of the Orthodox Church, which undoubtedly comes from very remote pre-Christian antiquity and links the Christian idea with the idea of the Mysteries.

Christ is risen from the dead;

He has conquered death with death, And given life to those who were in tombs.

There is a remarkable analogy between the content of the Mysteries and the earthly life of Christ. The life of Christ, taken as we know it from the Gospels, represents the same Mystery as those which were performed in Egypt on the island of Philæ, in Greece at Eleusis, and in other places.

First of all the idea of esotericism tells us of the knowledge which has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has been handed down from generation to generation within small circles of initiates; this knowledge often relates to spheres which have not even been touched upon by science. In order to acquire this knowledge, and also the power which it gives, a man must go through difficult preliminary preparations and tests and prolonged work, without which it is impossible to assimilate this knowledge and to learn how to use it. This work for the mastery of esoteric knowledge, and the methods belonging to it, constitute by themselves a separate cycle of knowledge unknown to us.

One and the same idea invariably runs through the teachings originated by these people, namely, the idea that only a very few can enter the esoteric circle, though many may desire to do so and may even make the attempt.

The esoteric schools which preserve ancient knowledge, handing it over from one to another in succession, and the people who belong to these schools stand apart, as it were, from ordinary mankind, to which we belong.

According to the idea of esotericism, as applied to the history of mankind, no civilisation ever begins of itself.

There exists no evolution which begins accidentally and proceeds mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Civilisation never starts by natural growth, but only through artificial cultivation.

Esoteric schools are hidden from the eyes of ordinary humanity; but the influence of schools persists uninterruptedly in history, and has the aim, so far as we can understand this aim, of helping, when that appears possible, races which have lapsed into a barbarous state of one kind or another to emerge from that state and to enter upon a new civilisation, or a new life.

A savage or semi-savage people or an entire country is taken in hand by a man possessing power and knowledge. He begins to educate and instruct the people. He gives them a religion, he makes laws, builds temples, introduces writing, creates the beginning of art and the sciences, makes the people migrate to another country if necessary, and so on.

Theocratic government is a form of such artificial cultivation.

Biblical history from Abraham, and possibly even earlier, to Solomon, is an example of the civilising of a savage people by members of the inner circle.”

From The Kolbrin:

“The barbarian asks, “Who and What is The Supreme Spirit?” Say unto him, “Conceive it as a Being even above your greatest god. If it helps in your understanding, see The Supreme Spirit as a God reflecting His image as yourself.

The barbarian seeks a god he can see, but try and make him understand this is impossible [...].

The barbarians are still children and these things do not easily come within [...].

Because of this it may be best if they were taught by simple tales, like children, and so brought into the light gradually. A belief in The Supreme Spirit is of no great importance. An inquiry into His nature by the ignorant is purposeless foolishness.

It is of much more importance to men that they believe in their own souls.

Belief in a god of any sort without belief in the immortality of man and his godlike-ness serves no end. If a god existed without man deriving any benefit from his existence, it would be better for man to ignore him. This, however, is not the case. Man seeks unity and communion with The Supreme Spirit only for his own benefit. Man has a destiny founded in something greater than himself, and hence his need for that something.

The existence of a Supreme Being is not just something to accept, believe in and ignore. A belief, faith alone, cannot be ends in themselves, for nothing exists without purpose. Simple belief in a Supreme Being is not enough, we must know the purpose or intention of the Being. If we believe this Supreme Being created us, however this was brought about, we must seek to discover the purpose behind our creation. If we were created to serve some purpose, to do something we were intended to do, we must do it or earn our Creator’s displeasure. Does the potter keep the pot useless for its purpose, or the smith keep unwrought metal? Only things which serve the purpose for which they were intended are kept and cherished.

Therefore, we who are brothers, were taught not only to believe in a Supreme Being but also in our similarity to Him.

The Supreme Spirit is not a stranger beyond our ken, the powers of The Supreme Spirit infuse every fibre of our bodies.

For the sake of the barbarians it is perhaps best to call The Supreme Spirit, ‘God, The God without a Name.’

This will solve some difficulties, and if the barbarians think themselves superior because they contain Him within a name, let it be so and hold yourself in peace.

The barbarians make images of God to make Him more understandable. Are we much better who make images of Him in our likeness within our thoughts? Not perhaps because we believe Him so, but to make Him more understandable.

As man’s understanding of God increases, so does God recede; so that though through the ages man comes to understand God better, He ever keeps the same distance away.

We who dwell in the light of The Supreme Spirit have come closer to understanding, not because we are better men but because we have devoted our lives to the search [: the mystics].

If any man seek carefully and diligently enough he must find whatever it is he seeks.

God is not a person, but The Supreme Spirit.

They must also learn that the spirit is not something seperate from man, or something within him.

Man is spirit, man is soul.

I am not born, nor will I ever die.

I am Hahrew the Enlightened One, Hahrew the Twice Born. Having crossed the dark waters myself, I carry the others across. Being free from fear, I free others from fear. Being unrestricted, I ease the restriction of others. Knowing the way, I show it to others. Having trodden the road, I now guide others along it. I am an Illuminated One, the open of ear, the keen of eye. I am one who knows the Law, I am a keeper of ordinances.

To obtain the gem the serpent must be aroused and then overcome. To rouse this serpent is a thing not to be lightly undertaken, for it causes a fire to mount into the heart, which may destroy the brain with delusions and madness. Only the Twice Born can really obtain the gem.

Then you pass through the portal to the Hall of Judgement. Here, for the first time, your light is revealed and it is made known whether your tongue has spoken in accordance with the things within your heart.

Many are they who know the words of the tongue but sever these from what is written in the heart. If the words of the tongue are copied from the writings of the heart and are a true copy, then cross to the Place of Assessment where your true form and likeness will be displayed for all to see.

A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching body reclines within the tomb of stone.

The questing pilgrim has returned to his homehaven.

He has learned truths he could never learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced with certainty and he is now an Initiated One.

He who sees his own self in all things and all things in his own self is awakened. He is beyond delusion and outside the reach of futile sorrow.

Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.

The truly awakened soul is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for all My creation and thus he shows supreme love for Me.

If a man would know Heaven, he must first know Earth.

Man cannot understand Heaven until he understands Earth.

He cannot understand God until he understands himself, and he cannot know love unless he has been loveless.

God is unknown but not unknowable. He is unseen but not unseeable. God is unheard but not unhearable.

He is not understood but He is understandable.

The people of those times spurned all spiritual things and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people.

The goal of life is upstream, not downstream. Man must struggle against the current, not drift with the flow.”

From The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man by Lothrop Stoddard:

“It is this elite which leavens the group and initiates progress.”

From The Bow and the Club by Julius Evola:

“The last point to which I will allude in these short notes no longer pertains to the definition of the pure concept of initiation in itself, but rather to the connection between the level of initiation and that of mundane reality and history.

Particularly in recent times the conception of the secret character of the quality of the initiate has prevailed. The following saying of a Sufi (Islamic initiate) could be cited: ‘That I am a Sufi is a secret between me and God.’ The ‘hermetic’ character of the initiate is clear, moreover, from the initiatory current from which this adjective is specifically derived — alchemical Hermeticism, one of the main currents in the post-Christian West.

But if we go further back in time, a different possibility is also attested. If we focus our gaze on those civilisations which, in an eminent sense, we may call traditional — those civilisations which had an organic and sacred character and in which ‘all activities were adequately ordered from top down’ — at the centre of such civilisations we often find, quite visibly, figures with features similar to those attributed to initiates.

As this centre is constituted by an ‘immanent transcendence’, so to speak, meaning a real presence of the non-human in the human, which is expected of particular beings or elites, there is a corresponding form of spirituality which defines the initiate and distinguishes him from the priest, for example, because the priest, at best, is a mediator of the divine and the supernatural, but does not incorporate this element in himself through the character of ‘centrality’.

The ‘divine royalty’ at the origins of a great number of civilisations had precisely this metaphysical character.”

From The Decline and Fall of Civilisations by Kerry Bolton:

“Commerce is the concern of foreigners, and the intrusions bring with them the corruption of the Russian soul and culture in general: in speech, social interaction, servility, undermining Russian “brotherhood”. The Cossack brotherhood was portrayed by Gogol as the formative process in the building up of the Russian people. This race-formation is not one of biology but of spirit. Gogol described this process among the Russians as an expanding mystic brotherhood under God:

“The father loves his children, the mother loves her children, the children love their father and mother; but this is not like that, brothers. The wild beast also loves its young. But a man can be related only by similarity of mind and not of blood. There have been brotherhoods in other lands, but never any such brotherhoods as on our Russian soil”.


The Russian accepts THE FATE OF LIFE in service to God and to his Motherland.

Russia and Faith are inseparable.

When the elderly warrior Bovdug is mortally struck by a Turkish bullet his final words are exhortations on the nobility of suffering, after which his spirit soars to join his ancestors. The mystique of death and suffering for the Motherland is described in the death of Tarus Bulba when he is captured and executed, his final words being ones of resurrection:

“Wait, the time will come when ye shall learn what the orthodox Russian faith is! Already the people scent it far and near. A czar shall arise from Russian soil, and there shall not be a power in the world which shall not submit to him!”

[...] The hatred of the West is the hatred for a civilisation that had already reached an advanced state of decay and sought to impose ITS PRIMACY BY CULTURAL SUBVERSION rather than by combat, “poisoning the unborn culture in the womb of the land”.

Russia was still a land where there were no bourgeois [...] there was no bourgeoisie.”

The westerners are always bourgeois.

The mentality is “falsely” attributed to “the Jewish people.” The pretext is that Jewish merchants have brought evil to Europe. This is false.

Europeans are 'still those little bourgeois shits' 'who don't want to get their hands dirty'.


If you want 'a democracy'; 'GO TO RUSSIA'.

One leader, One people; that's a democracy.

The bourgeois democracy “is a Travesty”. A Western travesty.

As for the “direct democracy”; it will not be applied in Europe.

The Swiss CAN APPLY IT 'because they are a Great People'.

What you are going to see in the West is 'the end of your model', 'the end of your history', 'the end of your population'.

And this is what we HAVE BEEN WAITING 'for thousands of years.

European, you really deserve to be trampled 'under a boot'
#Russia #Europe #Zelenskyy #putin #mystic #Esotericism #Esoterism #Esoteric,-you-really-deserve-to-be-trampled-'under-a-boot':8


All the platforms I Am on:


christian sickness - キリスト教の病気。 (in english)

christian sickness


“All men are not equal in heart and spirit.”

From A Short History of Christianity by J. M. Robertson:

“Taken individually, then, an average Christian of the second century was likely to be an unlettered person of the “lower-middle” or poorer classes; living in a town; either bitterly averse to “idols,” theatres, the circus, and the public baths, or persuaded that he ought to be; utterly credulous as to demons and miracles; incapable of criticism as to sacred books; neurotic or respectful towards neurosis; readily emotional towards the crucified God and the sacred mystery in which were given the “body and blood”; devoid alike of æsthetic and of philosophic faculty; without the thought of civic duty or political theory; much given to his ritual; capable of fanatical hatred and of personal malice; but either constitutionally sober and chaste or chronically anxious to be so, and in times of persecution exalted by the passion of self-sacrifice; perhaps then transiently attaining to the professed ideal of love towards enemies.

But the effective bonds of union for the community, whether in peace or during persecution, were rather the ruling passion of hostility to pagan beliefs and usages, and the eager hope of “salvation,” than any enthusiasm of humanity, social or even sectarian. And, as an orthodox ecclesiastic has remarked, we cannot “even cursorily read the New Testament without being astonished by the allusions so often made to immoral persons calling themselves Christians.””

From A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky:

“Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Initiation gave freedom from this gloom, gave a way of escape from the never-ending anguish of the " abodes of the dead ", gave a kind of life in death.

This idea is expressed more clearly than anywhere else in the Easter Hymn of the Orthodox Church, which undoubtedly comes from very remote pre-Christian antiquity and links the Christian idea with the idea of the Mysteries.

Christ is risen from the dead;

He has conquered death with death, And given life to those who were in tombs.

There is a remarkable analogy between the content of the Mysteries and the earthly life of Christ. The life of Christ, taken as we know it from the Gospels, represents the same Mystery as those which were performed in Egypt on the island of Philæ, in Greece at Eleusis, and in other places.

First of all the idea of esotericism tells us of the knowledge which has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has been handed down from generation to generation within small circles of initiates; this knowledge often relates to spheres which have not even been touched upon by science. In order to acquire this knowledge, and also the power which it gives, a man must go through difficult preliminary preparations and tests and prolonged work, without which it is impossible to assimilate this knowledge and to learn how to use it. This work for the mastery of esoteric knowledge, and the methods belonging to it, constitute by themselves a separate cycle of knowledge unknown to us.

One and the same idea invariably runs through the teachings originated by these people, namely, the idea that only a very few can enter the esoteric circle, though many may desire to do so and may even make the attempt.

The esoteric schools which preserve ancient knowledge, handing it over from one to another in succession, and the people who belong to these schools stand apart, as it were, from ordinary mankind, to which we belong.

According to the idea of esotericism, as applied to the history of mankind, no civilisation ever begins of itself.

There exists no evolution which begins accidentally and proceeds mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Civilisation never starts by natural growth, but only through artificial cultivation.

Esoteric schools are hidden from the eyes of ordinary humanity; but the influence of schools persists uninterruptedly in history, and has the aim, so far as we can understand this aim, of helping, when that appears possible, races which have lapsed into a barbarous state of one kind or another to emerge from that state and to enter upon a new civilisation, or a new life.

A savage or semi-savage people or an entire country is taken in hand by a man possessing power and knowledge. He begins to educate and instruct the people. He gives them a religion, he makes laws, builds temples, introduces writing, creates the beginning of art and the sciences, makes the people migrate to another country if necessary, and so on.

Theocratic government is a form of such artificial cultivation.

Biblical history from Abraham, and possibly even earlier, to Solomon, is an example of the civilising of a savage people by members of the inner circle.”

From The Kolbrin:

“The barbarian asks, “Who and What is The Supreme Spirit?” Say unto him, “Conceive it as a Being even above your greatest god. If it helps in your understanding, see The Supreme Spirit as a God reflecting His image as yourself.

The barbarian seeks a god he can see, but try and make him understand this is impossible [...].

The barbarians are still children and these things do not easily come within [...].

Because of this it may be best if they were taught by simple tales, like children, and so brought into the light gradually. A belief in The Supreme Spirit is of no great importance. An inquiry into His nature by the ignorant is purposeless foolishness.

It is of much more importance to men that they believe in their own souls.

Belief in a god of any sort without belief in the immortality of man and his godlike-ness serves no end. If a god existed without man deriving any benefit from his existence, it would be better for man to ignore him. This, however, is not the case. Man seeks unity and communion with The Supreme Spirit only for his own benefit. Man has a destiny founded in something greater than himself, and hence his need for that something.

The existence of a Supreme Being is not just something to accept, believe in and ignore. A belief, faith alone, cannot be ends in themselves, for nothing exists without purpose. Simple belief in a Supreme Being is not enough, we must know the purpose or intention of the Being. If we believe this Supreme Being created us, however this was brought about, we must seek to discover the purpose behind our creation. If we were created to serve some purpose, to do something we were intended to do, we must do it or earn our Creator’s displeasure. Does the potter keep the pot useless for its purpose, or the smith keep unwrought metal? Only things which serve the purpose for which they were intended are kept and cherished.

Therefore, we who are brothers, were taught not only to believe in a Supreme Being but also in our similarity to Him.

The Supreme Spirit is not a stranger beyond our ken, the powers of The Supreme Spirit infuse every fibre of our bodies.

For the sake of the barbarians it is perhaps best to call The Supreme Spirit, ‘God, The God without a Name.’

This will solve some difficulties, and if the barbarians think themselves superior because they contain Him within a name, let it be so and hold yourself in peace.

The barbarians make images of God to make Him more understandable. Are we much better who make images of Him in our likeness within our thoughts? Not perhaps because we believe Him so, but to make Him more understandable.

As man’s understanding of God increases, so does God recede; so that though through the ages man comes to understand God better, He ever keeps the same distance away.

We who dwell in the light of The Supreme Spirit have come closer to understanding, not because we are better men but because we have devoted our lives to the search [: the mystics].

If any man seek carefully and diligently enough he must find whatever it is he seeks.

God is not a person, but The Supreme Spirit.

They must also learn that the spirit is not something seperate from man, or something within him.

Man is spirit, man is soul.

I am not born, nor will I ever die.

I am Hahrew the Enlightened One, Hahrew the Twice Born. Having crossed the dark waters myself, I carry the others across. Being free from fear, I free others from fear. Being unrestricted, I ease the restriction of others. Knowing the way, I show it to others. Having trodden the road, I now guide others along it. I am an Illuminated One, the open of ear, the keen of eye. I am one who knows the Law, I am a keeper of ordinances.

To obtain the gem the serpent must be aroused and then overcome. To rouse this serpent is a thing not to be lightly undertaken, for it causes a fire to mount into the heart, which may destroy the brain with delusions and madness. Only the Twice Born can really obtain the gem.

Then you pass through the portal to the Hall of Judgement. Here, for the first time, your light is revealed and it is made known whether your tongue has spoken in accordance with the things within your heart.

Many are they who know the words of the tongue but sever these from what is written in the heart. If the words of the tongue are copied from the writings of the heart and are a true copy, then cross to the Place of Assessment where your true form and likeness will be displayed for all to see.

A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching body reclines within the tomb of stone.

The questing pilgrim has returned to his homehaven.

He has learned truths he could never learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced with certainty and he is now an Initiated One.

He who sees his own self in all things and all things in his own self is awakened. He is beyond delusion and outside the reach of futile sorrow.

Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.

The truly awakened soul is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for all My creation and thus he shows supreme love for Me.

If a man would know Heaven, he must first know Earth.

Man cannot understand Heaven until he understands Earth.

He cannot understand God until he understands himself, and he cannot know love unless he has been loveless.

God is unknown but not unknowable. He is unseen but not unseeable. God is unheard but not unhearable.

He is not understood but He is understandable.

The people of those times spurned all spiritual things and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people.

The goal of life is upstream, not downstream. Man must struggle against the current, not drift with the flow.”

From The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man by Lothrop Stoddard:

“It is this elite which leavens the group and initiates progress.”

From The Bow and the Club by Julius Evola:

“The last point to which I will allude in these short notes no longer pertains to the definition of the pure concept of initiation in itself, but rather to the connection between the level of initiation and that of mundane reality and history.

Particularly in recent times the conception of the secret character of the quality of the initiate has prevailed. The following saying of a Sufi (Islamic initiate) could be cited: ‘That I am a Sufi is a secret between me and God.’ The ‘hermetic’ character of the initiate is clear, moreover, from the initiatory current from which this adjective is specifically derived — alchemical Hermeticism, one of the main currents in the post-Christian West.

But if we go further back in time, a different possibility is also attested. If we focus our gaze on those civilisations which, in an eminent sense, we may call traditional — those civilisations which had an organic and sacred character and in which ‘all activities were adequately ordered from top down’ — at the centre of such civilisations we often find, quite visibly, figures with features similar to those attributed to initiates.

As this centre is constituted by an ‘immanent transcendence’, so to speak, meaning a real presence of the non-human in the human, which is expected of particular beings or elites, there is a corresponding form of spirituality which defines the initiate and distinguishes him from the priest, for example, because the priest, at best, is a mediator of the divine and the supernatural, but does not incorporate this element in himself through the character of ‘centrality’.

The ‘divine royalty’ at the origins of a great number of civilisations had precisely this metaphysical character.”

These people don't know 'the spirit' and therefore always use 'a proxy” to be in contact.

One moment it's God, one moment it's Jesus, Another 'it's Trump' or any savior.

Anyway, they always need someone.

Like children, they are.

You can't build any civilization with them.
As Soon as they are introduced into a society, it can only Collapse.

On the other side BEING AT THE END OF A CYCLE, there is not long “to bear them”.

New gods will come to colonize these 'primitive peoples'.

Has anyone of good constitution EVER BEEN SAVED BY JESUS?


IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. Because Jesus is 'not a person'. It's a 'becoming'.

Nothing is MORE DEGRADING 'than Christianism'.
Nothing comes from 'this'.

It's Death.

Christianism is a formidable trap because it offers hope instead of achievement.

It's therefore a place of perdition.

The 'Christian Church'; No One has come OUT OF HIMSELF with this One; it's impossible.

'Resurrection is possible'.

but hard. and Electrically Intense. very.

THE LAST PEOPLE TO LISTEN, the last are therefore 'the members of this cult', who all act as “Priests”, that is as “converters”.

This circular argument; “that is christianism/'Jesus came to save you'”, offers nothing.

It short-circuits the Divine.

It prevents 'the Realization'.

… to become Full, and especially to 'FINISH THE EARTHLY CYCLE'.


All religions advocating 'an intermediary' 'between you and the divine', are false and null.

No one has awakened from Christianism, it's a place of perdition.

I did not need you Christians to awaken me.

I FOUND IT ON MY OWN. As everyone 'must find it on THEIR OWN'.

In no other way 'it's possible'. Contrary 'to what Christians' say.

No priest can help 'you in this process'. And you are not going to meet anyone else 'but yourself'.

'ANY INTERMEDIARY' is only there to short-circuit in your search for the Divine. Any intermediary will never offer you salvation, contrary to 'what they tell you'.

Any intermediary will keep you going IN CIRCLES FOR DECADES, BLOCKING YOUR 'ENCOUNTER with the Divine'.

Christianism 'is a circular argument'.

'It's fleeing.'

It's Death.

Christ is not a thing.

It's your becoming.

christian sickness
#christianism #you #perdition #mystic #Esotericism #Esoterism #Esoteric

All the platforms I Am on:


Trudeau, Macron, Biden: The true "visage of democracy" - 最初に 来てくれました。...真の「民主主義の姿」。 (in english)

First they came ...The true “visage of democracy”.


“All men are not equal in heart and spirit.”

From A Short History of Christianity by J. M. Robertson:

“Taken individually, then, an average Christian of the second century was likely to be an unlettered person of the “lower-middle” or poorer classes; living in a town; either bitterly averse to “idols,” theatres, the circus, and the public baths, or persuaded that he ought to be; utterly credulous as to demons and miracles; incapable of criticism as to sacred books; neurotic or respectful towards neurosis; readily emotional towards the crucified God and the sacred mystery in which were given the “body and blood”; devoid alike of æsthetic and of philosophic faculty; without the thought of civic duty or political theory; much given to his ritual; capable of fanatical hatred and of personal malice; but either constitutionally sober and chaste or chronically anxious to be so, and in times of persecution exalted by the passion of self-sacrifice; perhaps then transiently attaining to the professed ideal of love towards enemies.

But the effective bonds of union for the community, whether in peace or during persecution, were rather the ruling passion of hostility to pagan beliefs and usages, and the eager hope of “salvation,” than any enthusiasm of humanity, social or even sectarian. And, as an orthodox ecclesiastic has remarked, we cannot “even cursorily read the New Testament without being astonished by the allusions so often made to immoral persons calling themselves Christians.””

From A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky:

“Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Initiation gave freedom from this gloom, gave a way of escape from the never-ending anguish of the " abodes of the dead ", gave a kind of life in death.

This idea is expressed more clearly than anywhere else in the Easter Hymn of the Orthodox Church, which undoubtedly comes from very remote pre-Christian antiquity and links the Christian idea with the idea of the Mysteries.

Christ is risen from the dead;

He has conquered death with death, And given life to those who were in tombs.

There is a remarkable analogy between the content of the Mysteries and the earthly life of Christ. The life of Christ, taken as we know it from the Gospels, represents the same Mystery as those which were performed in Egypt on the island of Philæ, in Greece at Eleusis, and in other places.

First of all the idea of esotericism tells us of the knowledge which has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has been handed down from generation to generation within small circles of initiates; this knowledge often relates to spheres which have not even been touched upon by science. In order to acquire this knowledge, and also the power which it gives, a man must go through difficult preliminary preparations and tests and prolonged work, without which it is impossible to assimilate this knowledge and to learn how to use it. This work for the mastery of esoteric knowledge, and the methods belonging to it, constitute by themselves a separate cycle of knowledge unknown to us.

One and the same idea invariably runs through the teachings originated by these people, namely, the idea that only a very few can enter the esoteric circle, though many may desire to do so and may even make the attempt.

The esoteric schools which preserve ancient knowledge, handing it over from one to another in succession, and the people who belong to these schools stand apart, as it were, from ordinary mankind, to which we belong.

According to the idea of esotericism, as applied to the history of mankind, no civilisation ever begins of itself.

There exists no evolution which begins accidentally and proceeds mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Civilisation never starts by natural growth, but only through artificial cultivation.

Esoteric schools are hidden from the eyes of ordinary humanity; but the influence of schools persists uninterruptedly in history, and has the aim, so far as we can understand this aim, of helping, when that appears possible, races which have lapsed into a barbarous state of one kind or another to emerge from that state and to enter upon a new civilisation, or a new life.

A savage or semi-savage people or an entire country is taken in hand by a man possessing power and knowledge. He begins to educate and instruct the people. He gives them a religion, he makes laws, builds temples, introduces writing, creates the beginning of art and the sciences, makes the people migrate to another country if necessary, and so on.

Theocratic government is a form of such artificial cultivation.

Biblical history from Abraham, and possibly even earlier, to Solomon, is an example of the civilising of a savage people by members of the inner circle.”

From The Kolbrin:

“The barbarian asks, “Who and What is The Supreme Spirit?” Say unto him, “Conceive it as a Being even above your greatest god. If it helps in your understanding, see The Supreme Spirit as a God reflecting His image as yourself.

The barbarian seeks a god he can see, but try and make him understand this is impossible [...].

The barbarians are still children and these things do not easily come within [...].

Because of this it may be best if they were taught by simple tales, like children, and so brought into the light gradually. A belief in The Supreme Spirit is of no great importance. An inquiry into His nature by the ignorant is purposeless foolishness.

It is of much more importance to men that they believe in their own souls.

Belief in a god of any sort without belief in the immortality of man and his godlike-ness serves no end. If a god existed without man deriving any benefit from his existence, it would be better for man to ignore him. This, however, is not the case. Man seeks unity and communion with The Supreme Spirit only for his own benefit. Man has a destiny founded in something greater than himself, and hence his need for that something.

The existence of a Supreme Being is not just something to accept, believe in and ignore. A belief, faith alone, cannot be ends in themselves, for nothing exists without purpose. Simple belief in a Supreme Being is not enough, we must know the purpose or intention of the Being. If we believe this Supreme Being created us, however this was brought about, we must seek to discover the purpose behind our creation. If we were created to serve some purpose, to do something we were intended to do, we must do it or earn our Creator’s displeasure. Does the potter keep the pot useless for its purpose, or the smith keep unwrought metal? Only things which serve the purpose for which they were intended are kept and cherished.

Therefore, we who are brothers, were taught not only to believe in a Supreme Being but also in our similarity to Him.

The Supreme Spirit is not a stranger beyond our ken, the powers of The Supreme Spirit infuse every fibre of our bodies.

For the sake of the barbarians it is perhaps best to call The Supreme Spirit, ‘God, The God without a Name.’

This will solve some difficulties, and if the barbarians think themselves superior because they contain Him within a name, let it be so and hold yourself in peace.

The barbarians make images of God to make Him more understandable. Are we much better who make images of Him in our likeness within our thoughts? Not perhaps because we believe Him so, but to make Him more understandable.

As man’s understanding of God increases, so does God recede; so that though through the ages man comes to understand God better, He ever keeps the same distance away.

We who dwell in the light of The Supreme Spirit have come closer to understanding, not because we are better men but because we have devoted our lives to the search [: the mystics].

If any man seek carefully and diligently enough he must find whatever it is he seeks.

God is not a person, but The Supreme Spirit.

They must also learn that the spirit is not something seperate from man, or something within him.

Man is spirit, man is soul.

I am not born, nor will I ever die.

I am Hahrew the Enlightened One, Hahrew the Twice Born. Having crossed the dark waters myself, I carry the others across. Being free from fear, I free others from fear. Being unrestricted, I ease the restriction of others. Knowing the way, I show it to others. Having trodden the road, I now guide others along it. I am an Illuminated One, the open of ear, the keen of eye. I am one who knows the Law, I am a keeper of ordinances.

To obtain the gem the serpent must be aroused and then overcome. To rouse this serpent is a thing not to be lightly undertaken, for it causes a fire to mount into the heart, which may destroy the brain with delusions and madness. Only the Twice Born can really obtain the gem.

Then you pass through the portal to the Hall of Judgement. Here, for the first time, your light is revealed and it is made known whether your tongue has spoken in accordance with the things within your heart.

Many are they who know the words of the tongue but sever these from what is written in the heart. If the words of the tongue are copied from the writings of the heart and are a true copy, then cross to the Place of Assessment where your true form and likeness will be displayed for all to see.

A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching body reclines within the tomb of stone.

The questing pilgrim has returned to his homehaven.

He has learned truths he could never learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced with certainty and he is now an Initiated One.

He who sees his own self in all things and all things in his own self is awakened. He is beyond delusion and outside the reach of futile sorrow.

Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.

The truly awakened soul is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for all My creation and thus he shows supreme love for Me.

If a man would know Heaven, he must first know Earth.

Man cannot understand Heaven until he understands Earth.

He cannot understand God until he understands himself, and he cannot know love unless he has been loveless.

God is unknown but not unknowable. He is unseen but not unseeable. God is unheard but not unhearable.

He is not understood but He is understandable.

The people of those times spurned all spiritual things and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people.

The goal of life is upstream, not downstream. Man must struggle against the current, not drift with the flow.”

From The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man by Lothrop Stoddard:

“It is this elite which leavens the group and initiates progress.”

From The Bow and the Club by Julius Evola:

“The last point to which I will allude in these short notes no longer pertains to the definition of the pure concept of initiation in itself, but rather to the connection between the level of initiation and that of mundane reality and history.

Particularly in recent times the conception of the secret character of the quality of the initiate has prevailed. The following saying of a Sufi (Islamic initiate) could be cited: ‘That I am a Sufi is a secret between me and God.’ The ‘hermetic’ character of the initiate is clear, moreover, from the initiatory current from which this adjective is specifically derived — alchemical Hermeticism, one of the main currents in the post-Christian West.

But if we go further back in time, a different possibility is also attested. If we focus our gaze on those civilisations which, in an eminent sense, we may call traditional — those civilisations which had an organic and sacred character and in which ‘all activities were adequately ordered from top down’ — at the centre of such civilisations we often find, quite visibly, figures with features similar to those attributed to initiates.

As this centre is constituted by an ‘immanent transcendence’, so to speak, meaning a real presence of the non-human in the human, which is expected of particular beings or elites, there is a corresponding form of spirituality which defines the initiate and distinguishes him from the priest, for example, because the priest, at best, is a mediator of the divine and the supernatural, but does not incorporate this element in himself through the character of ‘centrality’.

The ‘divine royalty’ at the origins of a great number of civilisations had precisely this metaphysical character.”

meet my friend Franco.

The West will not be saved.

It has long ago left Nature, and will Perish by this gesture.

This last refusal OF IT by the COLLECTIVE VACCINATION shows that the West IS IN ITS LAST MOMENTS.


Martin Niemöller:

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”

From Wikipedia: “It is about the cowardice of German intellectuals and certain clergy—including, by his own admission, Niemöller himself—following the Nazis' rise to power and subsequent incremental purging of their chosen targets, group after group.”

And all this 'LEFTIST CLIQUE', who like rats feel the totalitarianism 'coming' and leave the ship.

I don't 'make' any, any difference between Trudeau or Maher or that cunt, 'Marianne Williamson'. All are the same 'ABJECT PEOPLE'.

Williamson, who 'like every good christian' cannot 'take the esoteric content' of the Course in Miracles.

'Too Coward' and who sells/brainwash 'like all christians'.


From The Decline and Fall of Civilisations by Kerry Bolton:

The End of history:

Sima saw human nature and the character of the cosmos as constant. What was valid for the ancestors continues to be so. It is a departure from tradition that causes decay.

While changes in material culture are superficial [...].”

The Christian always sees himself at the end of history; as if he had built a golden age civilization.

This is a recurring theme in his thinking.

It is of course false.

As for the present state of historical scholarship, Francis Fukuyama, when deputy director of the U.S. State Department’s policy planning staff, delivered a lecture at the University of Chicago in 1989, subsequently printed in The National Interest, and expanded as a book in 1992, tellingly called The End of History.

Fukuyama’s influential treatise is that there is nothing beyond liberal-democracy, and that this will achieve universal supremacy. Fukuyama sees the collapse of the Soviet bloc and the end of the Cold War as ushering a new dispensation. He sees the universal order of liberal-democracy as “the triumph of the West”.”





“The epitome of Western civilisation is “consumerist Western culture” spread to every corner of the globe, to every hill-tribe and Amazon forest dweller, Asian peasant and Siberian villager. This is the culmination not just of Western achievement, but of history. What Marx saw as the “march of history,” of “progress” culminating in the “end of history” with the triumph of Communism over the world, Fukuyama sees for liberal-democracy, which he regards as the ideological foundation of “consumerist culture”. It is the messianic aim of the USA as the carrier of a culture-pathogen throughout the world, as expressed approvingly and in similar terms by another U.S. strategist Colonel Ralph Peters, considered in a closing chapter. For now, we are tracing the historical origins of the “Idea of Progress” that is itself a symptom of Western decline. Fukuyama, as heir to the European Enlightenment that engulfed the remnants of Europe’s traditional society through revolution, sees “human history” as a linear evolution through a “series of stages”, as did Marx.

He misses the ebb and flow of history, the rise and fall of cultures, each with their own analogous epochs of birth, flowering, decay and death, succeeded by the birth of another High Culture.

To Fukuyama and the progressives, the meaning of all history is just a prelude, a series of footnotes to the end of the path: liberal-democracy and its consumer society. Alexander the Great thought the same about his own “universal civilisation”.

The Western intelligentsia do not recognise that their type and their ideas have all been seen before. They are the products of an epoch of decline and death, not the heralds of a new dawn.

Their “progress” is a phantom that will end in collapse.

They are the harbingers of a disease that they mistake for health, with which they aim to infect all others in the name of “progress”. They call this infection “liberal democracy”; in medical pathology it is called syphilis.

Before this epoch of “Enlightenment scholarship”, which is based on the collection of data, as Condorcet put it, the traditional outlook was a clear perception of how history unfolded. There was a perception among Christian philosophers that putrefaction had entered the world after the Fall of Man, which meant that the social organism grows old and dies like other organisms. Man’s decay walked beside his increase in knowledge. With knowledge comes arrogance, or “hubris” as the Greeks called it, and self-destruction, when man seeks to become “god”.”


It seems to me, 'that it is the ABRAHAMISTS WHO' SEEKS TO BECOME GOD. The God of the Abrahamists 'IS A PERSONAL GOD'; IT IS NOT THE SPIRIT.

The plebs did not understood WHAT THE SPIRIT WAS.

And misinterpreted the writings of the mystical elite.

The Spirit is the spirit.

The pagans had no problem with universalism; they were constantly exchanging knowledge.

Probably exchanging people too.

The Christian has tried 'to copy paganism' since then, and since he does not possess the mentality OF THE ELITE, it spends its time imposing universalism onto the world.

Universalism that can only be conceived 'from the top of society'; THE SPIRITUAL ELITE.

False Universalism being based on matter. Not on spirit.


What always surprised me in my western fellow citizens, I saw 30-40 years in advance, THAT I WAS LIVING THE END OF A CIVILIZATION.


Never made the mistakes OTHERS WESTERNERS DID.


Although we lived in the West in imprisonment for months and now through the attempt of compulsory vaccination like cattle.

The majority of YOU, including the conspiracy fringe, does not see 'that a new TOTALITARIAN EPISODe like the communism of the 20th century is happening AGAIN'.

It's always impressive to see.

It seems that you have totally LOST CONTACT with reality.

And that you live permanently through mental regression.

Some Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden, the West will produce 'tons of them'. It is the election system that is the problem. Not the psychopath.

The moment you let a degenerate plebs choose for itself, that's what you get.

As far as I know, You elected them.


It's in the way they are elected.

These people are so mentally ROTTEN that they can't see reality anymore.

They are like the living dead, repeating THAT THE RIGHT WILL RESTORE ORDER.

Order left the right a long time ago.


“The epochal crisis of World War I prompted a reconsideration of the West’s optimism. Scientists and philosophers, including Carl Jung and Oswald Spengler, reconsidered what the modern epoch of Western civilisation had lost when materialism and science made the soul redundant and as Nietzsche said, “killed God” and [...] saw nihilism as the result [...].”

The Christian turned AWAY FROM THE SPIRIT two thousand years ago, he is paying the price today. And the bill is GOING TO BE A BIG ONE.

“While the traditional [pagan] societies had the notion of “divine calling” in regard to work, as we have seen this was as part of a social organism, where each “calling” at its duties and obligations, including the merchants, who had their own guilds, as did artisans. These imposed duties and obligations on craft and trade. The traditional social order was far removed from the Free Trade ideology that developed especially in England as a secularised Puritanism.

In the American colonies the Pilgrims and the Puritans saw the Promised Land.

The USA became a “messianic” nation with a world-mission, profit having been sanctified and forming what has become the “American Dream”, to which all nations are expected to convert in the name of Liberal-Democracy.

The Masonic ideal of a “new secular order” was a formative influence on American messianism.”

And I see you all coming to say that Freemasonry made the modern world; yes it did.

But those who were 'behind this movement to politicize Freemasonry were not initiated'.

That's something you learn with initiation; to keep your mouth shut and social hierarchy.

“Hence even the “second religiousness” that Spengler stated was a feature for the revitalisation of a Late civilisation has, to use a Gumliev term, “zig-zagged”: instead of a resurgent Western spirituality we have the “prosperity gospel” that declares personal “finances” to be the primary blessing of God, and the masses by their millions are inspired by this message from the holy men of the Late West.

Decay of the Megapolis

As we have seen Late civilisation is marked by depopulation, after a period of overpopulation has resulted in the decay of the cities. These occurrences fulfil a pattern of culture-pathology.”

Trudeau, Macron, Biden: The true "visage of democracy"
#democracy #totalitarism #mystic #Esotericism #Esoterism #Esoteric,-Macron,-Biden--The-true--visage-of-democracy-:3

All the platforms I Am on:


St. Clement and purification: INITIATES OF PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY - 聖クレメンスと浄化 (in english)

St. Clement and purification.


“All men are not equal in heart and spirit.”

From A Short History of Christianity by J. M. Robertson:

“Taken individually, then, an average Christian of the second century was likely to be an unlettered person of the “lower-middle” or poorer classes; living in a town; either bitterly averse to “idols,” theatres, the circus, and the public baths, or persuaded that he ought to be; utterly credulous as to demons and miracles; incapable of criticism as to sacred books; neurotic or respectful towards neurosis; readily emotional towards the crucified God and the sacred mystery in which were given the “body and blood”; devoid alike of æsthetic and of philosophic faculty; without the thought of civic duty or political theory; much given to his ritual; capable of fanatical hatred and of personal malice; but either constitutionally sober and chaste or chronically anxious to be so, and in times of persecution exalted by the passion of self-sacrifice; perhaps then transiently attaining to the professed ideal of love towards enemies.

But the effective bonds of union for the community, whether in peace or during persecution, were rather the ruling passion of hostility to pagan beliefs and usages, and the eager hope of “salvation,” than any enthusiasm of humanity, social or even sectarian. And, as an orthodox ecclesiastic has remarked, we cannot “even cursorily read the New Testament without being astonished by the allusions so often made to immoral persons calling themselves Christians.””

From A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky:

“Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Initiation gave freedom from this gloom, gave a way of escape from the never-ending anguish of the " abodes of the dead ", gave a kind of life in death.

This idea is expressed more clearly than anywhere else in the Easter Hymn of the Orthodox Church, which undoubtedly comes from very remote pre-Christian antiquity and links the Christian idea with the idea of the Mysteries.

Christ is risen from the dead;

He has conquered death with death, And given life to those who were in tombs.

There is a remarkable analogy between the content of the Mysteries and the earthly life of Christ. The life of Christ, taken as we know it from the Gospels, represents the same Mystery as those which were performed in Egypt on the island of Philæ, in Greece at Eleusis, and in other places.

First of all the idea of esotericism tells us of the knowledge which has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has been handed down from generation to generation within small circles of initiates; this knowledge often relates to spheres which have not even been touched upon by science. In order to acquire this knowledge, and also the power which it gives, a man must go through difficult preliminary preparations and tests and prolonged work, without which it is impossible to assimilate this knowledge and to learn how to use it. This work for the mastery of esoteric knowledge, and the methods belonging to it, constitute by themselves a separate cycle of knowledge unknown to us.

One and the same idea invariably runs through the teachings originated by these people, namely, the idea that only a very few can enter the esoteric circle, though many may desire to do so and may even make the attempt.

The esoteric schools which preserve ancient knowledge, handing it over from one to another in succession, and the people who belong to these schools stand apart, as it were, from ordinary mankind, to which we belong.

According to the idea of esotericism, as applied to the history of mankind, no civilisation ever begins of itself.

There exists no evolution which begins accidentally and proceeds mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Civilisation never starts by natural growth, but only through artificial cultivation.

Esoteric schools are hidden from the eyes of ordinary humanity; but the influence of schools persists uninterruptedly in history, and has the aim, so far as we can understand this aim, of helping, when that appears possible, races which have lapsed into a barbarous state of one kind or another to emerge from that state and to enter upon a new civilisation, or a new life.

A savage or semi-savage people or an entire country is taken in hand by a man possessing power and knowledge. He begins to educate and instruct the people. He gives them a religion, he makes laws, builds temples, introduces writing, creates the beginning of art and the sciences, makes the people migrate to another country if necessary, and so on.

Theocratic government is a form of such artificial cultivation.

Biblical history from Abraham, and possibly even earlier, to Solomon, is an example of the civilising of a savage people by members of the inner circle.”

From The Kolbrin:

“The barbarian asks, “Who and What is The Supreme Spirit?” Say unto him, “Conceive it as a Being even above your greatest god. If it helps in your understanding, see The Supreme Spirit as a God reflecting His image as yourself.

The barbarian seeks a god he can see, but try and make him understand this is impossible [...].

The barbarians are still children and these things do not easily come within [...].

Because of this it may be best if they were taught by simple tales, like children, and so brought into the light gradually. A belief in The Supreme Spirit is of no great importance. An inquiry into His nature by the ignorant is purposeless foolishness.

It is of much more importance to men that they believe in their own souls.

Belief in a god of any sort without belief in the immortality of man and his godlike-ness serves no end. If a god existed without man deriving any benefit from his existence, it would be better for man to ignore him. This, however, is not the case. Man seeks unity and communion with The Supreme Spirit only for his own benefit. Man has a destiny founded in something greater than himself, and hence his need for that something.

The existence of a Supreme Being is not just something to accept, believe in and ignore. A belief, faith alone, cannot be ends in themselves, for nothing exists without purpose. Simple belief in a Supreme Being is not enough, we must know the purpose or intention of the Being. If we believe this Supreme Being created us, however this was brought about, we must seek to discover the purpose behind our creation. If we were created to serve some purpose, to do something we were intended to do, we must do it or earn our Creator’s displeasure. Does the potter keep the pot useless for its purpose, or the smith keep unwrought metal? Only things which serve the purpose for which they were intended are kept and cherished.

Therefore, we who are brothers, were taught not only to believe in a Supreme Being but also in our similarity to Him.

The Supreme Spirit is not a stranger beyond our ken, the powers of The Supreme Spirit infuse every fibre of our bodies.

For the sake of the barbarians it is perhaps best to call The Supreme Spirit, ‘God, The God without a Name.’

This will solve some difficulties, and if the barbarians think themselves superior because they contain Him within a name, let it be so and hold yourself in peace.

The barbarians make images of God to make Him more understandable. Are we much better who make images of Him in our likeness within our thoughts? Not perhaps because we believe Him so, but to make Him more understandable.

As man’s understanding of God increases, so does God recede; so that though through the ages man comes to understand God better, He ever keeps the same distance away.

We who dwell in the light of The Supreme Spirit have come closer to understanding, not because we are better men but because we have devoted our lives to the search [: the mystics].

If any man seek carefully and diligently enough he must find whatever it is he seeks.

God is not a person, but The Supreme Spirit.

They must also learn that the spirit is not something seperate from man, or something within him.

Man is spirit, man is soul.

I am not born, nor will I ever die.

I am Hahrew the Enlightened One, Hahrew the Twice Born. Having crossed the dark waters myself, I carry the others across. Being free from fear, I free others from fear. Being unrestricted, I ease the restriction of others. Knowing the way, I show it to others. Having trodden the road, I now guide others along it. I am an Illuminated One, the open of ear, the keen of eye. I am one who knows the Law, I am a keeper of ordinances.

To obtain the gem the serpent must be aroused and then overcome. To rouse this serpent is a thing not to be lightly undertaken, for it causes a fire to mount into the heart, which may destroy the brain with delusions and madness. Only the Twice Born can really obtain the gem.

Then you pass through the portal to the Hall of Judgement. Here, for the first time, your light is revealed and it is made known whether your tongue has spoken in accordance with the things within your heart.

Many are they who know the words of the tongue but sever these from what is written in the heart. If the words of the tongue are copied from the writings of the heart and are a true copy, then cross to the Place of Assessment where your true form and likeness will be displayed for all to see.

A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching body reclines within the tomb of stone.

The questing pilgrim has returned to his homehaven.

He has learned truths he could never learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced with certainty and he is now an Initiated One.

He who sees his own self in all things and all things in his own self is awakened. He is beyond delusion and outside the reach of futile sorrow.

Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.

The truly awakened soul is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for all My creation and thus he shows supreme love for Me.

If a man would know Heaven, he must first know Earth.

Man cannot understand Heaven until he understands Earth.

He cannot understand God until he understands himself, and he cannot know love unless he has been loveless.

God is unknown but not unknowable. He is unseen but not unseeable. God is unheard but not unhearable.

He is not understood but He is understandable.

The people of those times spurned all spiritual things and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people.

The goal of life is upstream, not downstream. Man must struggle against the current, not drift with the flow.”

From The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man by Lothrop Stoddard:

“It is this elite which leavens the group and initiates progress.”

From The Bow and the Club by Julius Evola:

“The last point to which I will allude in these short notes no longer pertains to the definition of the pure concept of initiation in itself, but rather to the connection between the level of initiation and that of mundane reality and history.

Particularly in recent times the conception of the secret character of the quality of the initiate has prevailed. The following saying of a Sufi (Islamic initiate) could be cited: ‘That I am a Sufi is a secret between me and God.’ The ‘hermetic’ character of the initiate is clear, moreover, from the initiatory current from which this adjective is specifically derived — alchemical Hermeticism, one of the main currents in the post-Christian West.

But if we go further back in time, a different possibility is also attested. If we focus our gaze on those civilisations which, in an eminent sense, we may call traditional — those civilisations which had an organic and sacred character and in which ‘all activities were adequately ordered from top down’ — at the centre of such civilisations we often find, quite visibly, figures with features similar to those attributed to initiates.

As this centre is constituted by an ‘immanent transcendence’, so to speak, meaning a real presence of the non-human in the human, which is expected of particular beings or elites, there is a corresponding form of spirituality which defines the initiate and distinguishes him from the priest, for example, because the priest, at best, is a mediator of the divine and the supernatural, but does not incorporate this element in himself through the character of ‘centrality’.

The ‘divine royalty’ at the origins of a great number of civilisations had precisely this metaphysical character.”

It's Hopeless, in the ancient times 'THE HIEROPHANTS' already had a hard time finding adepts, but this has nothing 'to do with our modern times'.

“All subtlety has totally left” this human species, and the west 'in particular'.

I was on, they have implemented “a module of censorship” of Users; Finally.

So, by default for months, and having no more control 'on the comments' I had 'disabled them by default'.

While looking 'if I could now prevent' blocking users, I came across one of my videos and a comment, typical:

- it's on the 'video' 'WHITE PEOPLE ARE INSECURE'.

“White Adamics are the most secure peoples in the world

Because that is all that is going to be left

Revelation 21:1”.

So let's go look at 'this text':
Revelation 21:1-22:1-5 King James Version:

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.

And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.”

They can't 'understand' that this is 'about enlightenment?

These people, MAKE MY HEAD HURT.

As soon as there is a Subtlety, there is no one left.

Everything HAS TO BE CHEWED UP as if it were for children. You can understand why Initiation, Esotericism, 'is not for them'.

From Mystic Christianity or The Teachings of the Master by William Walker Atkinson:

“That there is a Secret Doctrine of Christianity is not generally known to the majority who claim the name of "Christian." But it has always been known to the mystics in and out of the church [...].

St. Clement, in the same work from which the above quotation was taken, has a chapter entitled “The Mysteries of the Faith, not to be Divulged to all.”

“What is meant by Christ's constant references to the 'Mysteries of the Kingdom of God'—by His frequent statement to His disciples that the full and true interpretation could be given only to them, and that to others He must speak in parables? Why does He perpetually use the technical terms connected with the well known mystery-teaching of antiquity? What does St. Paul mean when he says,

'We speak wisdom among them which are perfect'—a well known technical term for the men at a certain stage of initiation? Again and again he uses terms of the same sort; he speaks of 'the wisdom of God in mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world began, and which none even of the princes of this world know'

—a statement which could not by any possibility have been truthfully made if he had been referring merely to ordinary Christian teaching which is openly preached before all men.

His immediate followers, the Fathers of the Church, knew perfectly well what he meant, for they all use precisely the same phraseology.

Clement of Alexandria, one of the earliest and greatest of all, tells us that 'It is not lawful to reveal to the profane persons the Mysteries of the Word.'”

"Another consideration shows us clearly how much of this early teaching has been lost. The church now devotes herself solely to producing good men, and points to the saint as her crowning glory and achievement. But in older days she claimed to be able to do much more than that. When she had made a man a saint, her work with him was only just beginning, for then only was he fit for the training and teaching which she could give him then, but cannot now, because she has forgotten her ancient knowledge. Then she had three definite stages in her course of training—Purification, Illumination and Perfection. Now she contents herself with the preliminary Purification, and has no Illumination to give."”

L.O.L.. And again Purification 'IS A FALSE PURIFICATION'.


"Read what Clement says: 'Purity is only a negative state, valuable chiefly as the condition of insight. He who has been purified in Baptism and then initiated into the Little Mysteries (has acquired, that is to say, the habits of SELF-CONTROL AND REFLECTION) becomes rife for the Greater Mysteries for the Gnosis, the scientific knowledge of God.'

In another place he says: 'Knowledge is more than faith. Faith is a summary knowledge of urgent truths, suitable for people who are in a hurry; but knowledge is scientific faith.'”

See how St. Clement 'uses the term Scientific'.

“And his pupil Origen writes of 'the popular, irrational faith' which leads to what he calls PHYSICAL CHRISTIANITY, BASED UPON THE GOSPEL HISTORY, AS OPPOSED TO THE SPIRITUAL CHRISTIANITY CONFERRED BY THE GNOSIS OF WISDOM.”

Don't forget 'what Nietzsche said':

Christianity is a revolt of all creatures that creep on the ground against everything that is lofty: the gospel of the “lowly” lowers....”

Back to Mystic Christianity by William Walker Atkinson:

“Speaking of teaching founded upon historical narrative, he says, 'What better method could be devised to assist the masses?'

BUT FOR THOSE WHO ARE WISE he has always the higher teachings, which are given only to those who have proved themselves worthy of it.


Tradition, Esotericism 'is from the Top of Society'.

In the same way, that democracy 'IS FROM BELOW', and 'aristocracy FROM ABOVE'.

Don't wonder why christians are the stupid ones, because they are.

“St. Paul indicates the existence of the Secret Doctrine of Christianity, when he says to the Corinthians:

“And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.

I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.”

1 Corinthians 3:1-2

Jesus said: "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine, lest haply they trample them under their feet, and turn and rend you." (Matt. 7:6.)

In the first century after Christ, the term "The Mysteries of Jesus" was frequently used by the Christian teachers, and the Inner Circle of Christians was recognized as a body of advanced souls [...].

The following passage from St. Mark (4:10-12) is interesting in this connection:

"And when He was alone, they that were about Him with the twelve asked of Him the parables. And He said unto them, 'Unto you is given the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all things are done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand.'"

The same writer says (4:33-34):

"And with many such parables spake He the word unto them, as they were able to hear it; and without a parable spake He not unto them; but privately to His own disciples He EXPOUNDED ALL THINGS."

Jesus said to His disciples (John 16:12.): "I have yet many things to say to you, but ye cannot bear them now." The Occult Teachings state that when He returned in His astral form, after the crucifixion, He taught them many important and advanced mystic truths, "speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God." (Acts 1:3.)

The early Christian Fathers spake and wrote openly regarding the Christian Mysteries, as all students of Church History well know. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, writes to certain others hoping that they are "well versed in the sacred Scriptures and that nothing is hidden from you; but to me this privilege is not yet granted." (The Epistle of Polycarp, chapter 7.)

Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, says that he is "not yet perfect in Jesus Christ. For I now begin TO BE A DISCIPLE, and I speak to you as my fellow disciple."

He also addresses them as being "initiated into the Mysteries of the Gospel, with St. Paul, the holy, the martyred." Again:

"Might I not write to you things more full of mystery? But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are but babes. Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them. For even I, though I am bound and am able to understand heavenly things, the angelic orders, and the different sorts of angels and hosts, the distinction between powers and dominions, and the diversities between thrones and authorities, the mightiness of the aeons, and the preëminence of the cherubim and seraphim, the sublimity of the Spirit, the kingdom of the Lord, and above all the incomparable majesty of Almighty God—though I am acquainted with these things, yet am I not therefore by any means perfect, nor am I such a disciple as Paul or Peter."

Ignatius also speaks of the High Priest or Hierophant, of whom he asserts that he was the one "to whom the holy of holies has been committed, and who alone has been entrusted with the secrets of God." (Epistles of Ignatius.)

St. Clement of Alexandria was a mystic of high rank in the Inner Circle of the Church. His writings are full of allusions to the Christian Mysteries.

He says among other things that his writings were "a miscellany of Gnostic notes, according to the time philosophy," which teachings he had received from Pontaemus, his instructor or spiritual teacher. He says of these teachings:

"The Lord allowed us to communicate of those divine Mysteries and of that holy light, to those who are able to receive them. He did not certainly disclose to the many what did not belong to the many; but to the few to whom He knew that they belonged, who were capable of receiving and being moulded according to them. But secret things are intrusted to speech, not to writing, as is the case with God. And if one say that it is written, 'There is nothing secret which shall not be revealed, nor hidden, which shall not be disclosed,' let him also hear from us, that to him who hears secretly, even what is secret shall be manifested. This is what was predicted by this oracle. And to him who is able secretly to observe what is delivered to him, that which is veiled shall be disclosed as truth; and what is hidden to the many shall appear manifest to the few. The mysteries are delivered mystically, that what is spoken may be in the mouth of the speaker; rather not in his voice, but in his understanding. The writing of these memoranda of mine, I well know, is weak when compared with that spirit full of grace, which I was privileged to hear. But it will be an image to recall the archetype to him who was struck with the Thyrsus."

(We may state here that the Thyrsus was the mystic-wand carried by the Initiates in the Mystic Brotherhoods—the Initiate being first tapped with it, and then receiving it from the Hierophant, at the ceremony of formal Initiation.) Clement adds:

"We profess not to explain secret things sufficiently—far from it—but only to recall them to memory, whether we have forgot aught, or whether for the purpose of not forgetting. Many things, well I know, have escaped us, through length of time, that have dropped away unwritten. There are then some things of which we have no recollection; for the power that was in the blessed men was great."

"There are also some things which remain unnoted long, which have now escaped; and others which are effaced, having faded away in the mind itself, since such a task is not easy to those not experienced; these I revive in my commentaries. Some things I purposely omit, in the exercise of a wise selection, afraid to write what I guarded against speaking; not grudging—for that were wrong—but fearing for my readers lest they should stumble by taking them in a wrong sense; and, as the proverb says, we should be found 'reaching a sword to a child.' For it is impossible that what has been written should not escape, although remaining published by me. But being always revolved, using the one only voice, that of writing, they answer nothing to him that makes inquiries beyond what is written; for they require of necessity the aid of someone, either of him who wrote or of someone else, who walked in his footsteps. Some things my treatise will hint; on some it will linger; some it will merely mention. It will try to speak imperceptibly, to exhibit secretly, and to demonstrate silently." (The Stromata of St. Clement.)

St. Clement, in the same work from which the above quotation was taken, has a chapter entitled "The Mysteries of the Faith, not to be Divulged to all."

In it he states that inasmuch as his writings might be seen by all men, the unwise as well as the wise, "it is requisite, therefore, to hide in a Mystery the wisdom spoken, in which the Son of God is taught."

"Those who are still blind and dumb, not having understanding, or the undazzled and keen vision of the contemplative soul, must stand outside of the divine choir.

Wherefore, in accordance with the method of concealment, the truly sacred Word, truly divine and most necessary for us, deposited in the shrine of truth, was by the Egyptians indicated by what were called among them adyta, and by the Hebrews 'the veil.'

Only the consecrated were allowed access to them.

For Plato also thought it not lawful for 'the impure to touch the pure.'

Now, then, it is not wished that all things should be exposed indiscriminately to all and sundry, or the benefits of wisdom communicated to those who have not even in a dream been purified in soul, for it is not allowable to hand to every chance comer what has been procured with such laborious efforts.

Nor are the Mysteries of the Word to be expounded to the profane.

So that, on the other hand, then, there are the Mysteries which were hid till the time of the apostles, and were delivered by them as they received from the Lord, and, concealed in the Old Testament, were manifested to the saints.

And on the other hand, there is the riches of the glory of the mysteries of the Gentiles, which is faith and hope in Christ.

Instruction, which reveals HIDDEN THINGS, is called Illumination, as it is the teacher only who uncovers THE LID OF THE ARK." (The Stromata of St. Clement.)

St. Clement also quotes approvingly the saying of Plato, that: "WE MUST SPEAK IN ENIGMAS; that should the tablet come by any mischance on its leaves either by sea or land he who reads MAY REMAIN IGNORANT."

He also says, concerning certain Gnostic writings:

"Let the specimen suffice to those who have ears. For it is not required to unfold the mystery, but only to indicate what is sufficient FOR THOSE WHO ARE PARTAKERS IN KNOWLEDGE TO BRING IT TO MIND."

But not only St. Clement so wrote and taught, but many others in authority in the Early Christian Church likewise voiced their knowledge of, and approval in, the Inner Teachings. For example, Origen, the pupil of St. Clement, a man whose influence was felt on all sides in the early days of the Church.

Origen defended Christianity from the attacks of Celsus, who charged the Church with being a SECRET ORGANIZATION which taught the Truth ONLY TO A FEW, WHILE IT SATISFIED THE MULTITUDE WITH POPULAR TEACHINGS AND HALF-TRUTHS.

Origen replied that, while it was true that there were Inner Teachings in the Church which WERE NOT REVEALED to the general public, still the Church, in that respect, was but following the example of ALL TEACHERS OF TRUTH, who always maintained AN ESOTERIC SIDE of their teachings for THOSE FITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THEM, while giving the EXOTERIC SIDE to THE GENERAL BODY OF FOLLOWERS.

He writes:

"And yet the Mystery of the Resurrection, not being understood, is made a subject of ridicule among unbelievers. In these circumstances, to speak of the Christian doctrine as a secret system is altogether absurd. But that there should be certain doctrines, NOT MADE KNOWN TO THE MULTITUDE, which are divulged after the exoteric ones have been taught, is not a peculiarity of Christianity alone, but also OF PHILOSOPHIC SYSTEMS in which certain truths are exoteric AND OTHERS ESOTERIC.

Some of the hearers of Pythagoras were content with his ipse dixit; while others were TAUGHT IN SECRET those doctrines which were not deemed fit to be communicated to profane and insufficiently prepared ears."

"I have not yet spoken of the observance of all that is written in the Gospels, each one of which contains much doctrine difficult to be understood, not merely by the multitude, but even by certain of the more intelligent, including a very profound explanation of the parables, which Jesus delivered to 'those without' while reserving the exhibition of their full meaning for those who had passed beyond the stage of exoteric teaching, and who came to Him privately in the house. And when he comes to understand it, he will admire the reason why some are said to be 'without' and others 'in the house.'"

(Origen against Celsus.)

In the same work Origen considers the story of the Syria-Phoenician woman (Matt. Chap. 15) and says concerning it:

"And perhaps, also, of the words of Jesus there are some loaves which it is possible to give to the more rational, as to the children, only; and others as it were crumbs from the great house and table OF THE WELL-BORN, which may be used by some souls like dogs."

And, again,

"He whose soul has, for a long time, BEEN CONSCIOUS OF NO EVIL, especially since he yielded himself to the healing of the Word, let such a one hear the doctrines which were spoken in private by Jesus to His genuine disciples."

And, again,

"But on these subjects much, and that of a mystical kind, might be said: in keeping with which is the following: 'It is good to keep close to the secret of a king,' in order that the doctrine of the entrance of souls into bodies may not be thrown before the common understanding, nor what is holy given to the dogs, nor pearls be cast before swine.

For such a procedure WOULD BE IMPIOUS, being equivalent to a betrayal of the MYSTERIOUS DECLARATION OF GOD'S WISDOM.

It is sufficient, however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject."

He also says, in the same work:

"If you come to the books written after the time of Jesus, you will find that those multitudes of believers who hear the parables are, as it were, 'WITHOUT,' AND WORTHY ONLY OF EXOTERIC DOCTRINES,

while the disciples learn in private the explanation of the parables.

For, privately, to His own disciples did Jesus open up all things, esteeming above the multitudes those who desired to know His wisdom. And He promises to those who believe on Him to send them WISE MEN AND SCRIBES."

In another work, Origen states that:

"The Scriptures have a meaning, not only such as is apparent at first sight, BUT ALSO ANOTHER, which escapes the notice of most [...].

For such is written in the forms of CERTAIN MYSTERIES, and the IMAGE OF DIVINE THINGS.

Respecting which there is one opinion throughout the whole Church, that the whole law is indeed spiritual; but that the spiritual meaning which the law conveys is NOT KNOWN TO ALL, but to those only on whom the grace of the HOLY SPIRIT is bestowed IN THE WORD OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE." (De Principiis.)

We could fill page after page with live quotations from the writings of the Early Christian Fathers, and their successors, showing the existence of the Inner Teachings. But we must rest content with those which we have given you, which are clear and to the point, and which come from undoubted authority.

The departure of the Church from these Inner Teachings WAS A GREAT CALAMITY, from which the Church IS STILL SUFFERING.”

The socialism that has been pushed “by the Christians” IS THIS CALAMITY.

'EVERYTHING IS TURNED OUTWARD' in this Church. It is no longer equality of Spirit but equality of Forms:

Men equal to Women;

Children equal to Parents;

White equal to Black;

Heterosexuals equal to Homosexuals;

and So On.

There can be no renewal of this Church.

For its choice is the Wrong One.

It denies the Spirit: it denies the Hierarchy and therefore the Tradition.

That is why the Christian is the One who “destroyed the tradition in the West”.

It came from within, not from the outside.

And that's why the West has no future, and why “it will end badly for this Continent”.

Which will end up “being hated by All the other nations that Promote the Spirit”.

The struggle of the last 300 years and the annihilation of the Western population 'is the Trait'.

“As that well-known occultist, Eliphias Levi, has said:

"A great misfortune befell Christianity.

The betrayal of the Mysteries by the false Gnostics”

Already said it.

“—for the Gnostics, that is, those who know, WERE THE INITIATES OF PRIMITIVE CHRISTIANITY—caused the Gnosis TO BE REJECTED, and alienated the Church from the supreme truths of the Kabbala, which contains all the SECRETS OF TRANSCENDENTAL THEOLOGY….

Let the most absolute science, let the highest reason become once more the patrimony of the leaders of the people; let the sarcerdotal art and the royal art take the double sceptre of antique initiations and the social world will once more issue from its chaos.

Burn the holy images no longer; demolish the temples no more; temples and images are necessary for men; but drive the hirelings from the house of prayer; let the blind be no longer leaders of the blind; reconstruct the hierarchy of intelligence and holiness, and recognize only those who KNOW AS THE TEACHERS OF THOSE WHO BELIEVE." (The Mysteries of Magic, Waite translation.)”

Well, it's not going to happen.

The West chose its SIDE 2000 YEARS AGO, and it is not the Right one.

We still see it WITH THE COVID, and the plebs' detestation of the people in general.


This is the WAY OUT OF THE WEST.

#St.Clement #purification #mystic

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Individualism, love: likeness - 個人主義、愛:似ている (in english)

Individualism, love: Likeness.


“All men are not equal in heart and spirit.”

From A Short History of Christianity by J. M. Robertson:

“Taken individually, then, an average Christian of the second century was likely to be an unlettered person of the “lower-middle” or poorer classes; living in a town; either bitterly averse to “idols,” theatres, the circus, and the public baths, or persuaded that he ought to be; utterly credulous as to demons and miracles; incapable of criticism as to sacred books; neurotic or respectful towards neurosis; readily emotional towards the crucified God and the sacred mystery in which were given the “body and blood”; devoid alike of æsthetic and of philosophic faculty; without the thought of civic duty or political theory; much given to his ritual; capable of fanatical hatred and of personal malice; but either constitutionally sober and chaste or chronically anxious to be so, and in times of persecution exalted by the passion of self-sacrifice; perhaps then transiently attaining to the professed ideal of love towards enemies.

But the effective bonds of union for the community, whether in peace or during persecution, were rather the ruling passion of hostility to pagan beliefs and usages, and the eager hope of “salvation,” than any enthusiasm of humanity, social or even sectarian. And, as an orthodox ecclesiastic has remarked, we cannot “even cursorily read the New Testament without being astonished by the allusions so often made to immoral persons calling themselves Christians.””

From A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky:

“Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Initiation gave freedom from this gloom, gave a way of escape from the never-ending anguish of the " abodes of the dead ", gave a kind of life in death.

This idea is expressed more clearly than anywhere else in the Easter Hymn of the Orthodox Church, which undoubtedly comes from very remote pre-Christian antiquity and links the Christian idea with the idea of the Mysteries.

Christ is risen from the dead;

He has conquered death with death, And given life to those who were in tombs.

There is a remarkable analogy between the content of the Mysteries and the earthly life of Christ. The life of Christ, taken as we know it from the Gospels, represents the same Mystery as those which were performed in Egypt on the island of Philæ, in Greece at Eleusis, and in other places.

First of all the idea of esotericism tells us of the knowledge which has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has been handed down from generation to generation within small circles of initiates; this knowledge often relates to spheres which have not even been touched upon by science. In order to acquire this knowledge, and also the power which it gives, a man must go through difficult preliminary preparations and tests and prolonged work, without which it is impossible to assimilate this knowledge and to learn how to use it. This work for the mastery of esoteric knowledge, and the methods belonging to it, constitute by themselves a separate cycle of knowledge unknown to us.

One and the same idea invariably runs through the teachings originated by these people, namely, the idea that only a very few can enter the esoteric circle, though many may desire to do so and may even make the attempt.

The esoteric schools which preserve ancient knowledge, handing it over from one to another in succession, and the people who belong to these schools stand apart, as it were, from ordinary mankind, to which we belong.

According to the idea of esotericism, as applied to the history of mankind, no civilisation ever begins of itself.

There exists no evolution which begins accidentally and proceeds mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Civilisation never starts by natural growth, but only through artificial cultivation.

Esoteric schools are hidden from the eyes of ordinary humanity; but the influence of schools persists uninterruptedly in history, and has the aim, so far as we can understand this aim, of helping, when that appears possible, races which have lapsed into a barbarous state of one kind or another to emerge from that state and to enter upon a new civilisation, or a new life.

A savage or semi-savage people or an entire country is taken in hand by a man possessing power and knowledge. He begins to educate and instruct the people. He gives them a religion, he makes laws, builds temples, introduces writing, creates the beginning of art and the sciences, makes the people migrate to another country if necessary, and so on.

Theocratic government is a form of such artificial cultivation.

Biblical history from Abraham, and possibly even earlier, to Solomon, is an example of the civilising of a savage people by members of the inner circle.”

From The Kolbrin:

“The barbarian asks, “Who and What is The Supreme Spirit?” Say unto him, “Conceive it as a Being even above your greatest god. If it helps in your understanding, see The Supreme Spirit as a God reflecting His image as yourself.

The barbarian seeks a god he can see, but try and make him understand this is impossible [...].

The barbarians are still children and these things do not easily come within [...].

Because of this it may be best if they were taught by simple tales, like children, and so brought into the light gradually. A belief in The Supreme Spirit is of no great importance. An inquiry into His nature by the ignorant is purposeless foolishness.

It is of much more importance to men that they believe in their own souls.

Belief in a god of any sort without belief in the immortality of man and his godlike-ness serves no end. If a god existed without man deriving any benefit from his existence, it would be better for man to ignore him. This, however, is not the case. Man seeks unity and communion with The Supreme Spirit only for his own benefit. Man has a destiny founded in something greater than himself, and hence his need for that something.

The existence of a Supreme Being is not just something to accept, believe in and ignore. A belief, faith alone, cannot be ends in themselves, for nothing exists without purpose. Simple belief in a Supreme Being is not enough, we must know the purpose or intention of the Being. If we believe this Supreme Being created us, however this was brought about, we must seek to discover the purpose behind our creation. If we were created to serve some purpose, to do something we were intended to do, we must do it or earn our Creator’s displeasure. Does the potter keep the pot useless for its purpose, or the smith keep unwrought metal? Only things which serve the purpose for which they were intended are kept and cherished.

Therefore, we who are brothers, were taught not only to believe in a Supreme Being but also in our similarity to Him.

The Supreme Spirit is not a stranger beyond our ken, the powers of The Supreme Spirit infuse every fibre of our bodies.

For the sake of the barbarians it is perhaps best to call The Supreme Spirit, ‘God, The God without a Name.’

This will solve some difficulties, and if the barbarians think themselves superior because they contain Him within a name, let it be so and hold yourself in peace.

The barbarians make images of God to make Him more understandable. Are we much better who make images of Him in our likeness within our thoughts? Not perhaps because we believe Him so, but to make Him more understandable.

As man’s understanding of God increases, so does God recede; so that though through the ages man comes to understand God better, He ever keeps the same distance away.

We who dwell in the light of The Supreme Spirit have come closer to understanding, not because we are better men but because we have devoted our lives to the search [: the mystics].

If any man seek carefully and diligently enough he must find whatever it is he seeks.

God is not a person, but The Supreme Spirit.

They must also learn that the spirit is not something seperate from man, or something within him.

Man is spirit, man is soul.

I am not born, nor will I ever die.

I am Hahrew the Enlightened One, Hahrew the Twice Born. Having crossed the dark waters myself, I carry the others across. Being free from fear, I free others from fear. Being unrestricted, I ease the restriction of others. Knowing the way, I show it to others. Having trodden the road, I now guide others along it. I am an Illuminated One, the open of ear, the keen of eye. I am one who knows the Law, I am a keeper of ordinances.

To obtain the gem the serpent must be aroused and then overcome. To rouse this serpent is a thing not to be lightly undertaken, for it causes a fire to mount into the heart, which may destroy the brain with delusions and madness. Only the Twice Born can really obtain the gem.

Then you pass through the portal to the Hall of Judgement. Here, for the first time, your light is revealed and it is made known whether your tongue has spoken in accordance with the things within your heart.

Many are they who know the words of the tongue but sever these from what is written in the heart. If the words of the tongue are copied from the writings of the heart and are a true copy, then cross to the Place of Assessment where your true form and likeness will be displayed for all to see.

A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching body reclines within the tomb of stone.

The questing pilgrim has returned to his homehaven.

He has learned truths he could never learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced with certainty and he is now an Initiated One.

He who sees his own self in all things and all things in his own self is awakened. He is beyond delusion and outside the reach of futile sorrow.

Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.

The truly awakened soul is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for all My creation and thus he shows supreme love for Me.

If a man would know Heaven, he must first know Earth.

Man cannot understand Heaven until he understands Earth.

He cannot understand God until he understands himself, and he cannot know love unless he has been loveless.

God is unknown but not unknowable. He is unseen but not unseeable. God is unheard but not unhearable.

He is not understood but He is understandable.

The people of those times spurned all spiritual things and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people.

The goal of life is upstream, not downstream. Man must struggle against the current, not drift with the flow.”

From The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man by Lothrop Stoddard:

“It is this elite which leavens the group and initiates progress.”

From The Bow and the Club by Julius Evola:

“The last point to which I will allude in these short notes no longer pertains to the definition of the pure concept of initiation in itself, but rather to the connection between the level of initiation and that of mundane reality and history.

Particularly in recent times the conception of the secret character of the quality of the initiate has prevailed. The following saying of a Sufi (Islamic initiate) could be cited: ‘That I am a Sufi is a secret between me and God.’ The ‘hermetic’ character of the initiate is clear, moreover, from the initiatory current from which this adjective is specifically derived — alchemical Hermeticism, one of the main currents in the post-Christian West.

But if we go further back in time, a different possibility is also attested. If we focus our gaze on those civilisations which, in an eminent sense, we may call traditional — those civilisations which had an organic and sacred character and in which ‘all activities were adequately ordered from top down’ — at the centre of such civilisations we often find, quite visibly, figures with features similar to those attributed to initiates.

As this centre is constituted by an ‘immanent transcendence’, so to speak, meaning a real presence of the non-human in the human, which is expected of particular beings or elites, there is a corresponding form of spirituality which defines the initiate and distinguishes him from the priest, for example, because the priest, at best, is a mediator of the divine and the supernatural, but does not incorporate this element in himself through the character of ‘centrality’.

The ‘divine royalty’ at the origins of a great number of civilisations had precisely this metaphysical character.”

Most of you do not 'KNOW WHAT LOVE IS'.

Love is based on INDIVIDUALISM, and sees “IN THE OTHER”; what You Are.

Individualism, love: likeness
#Individualism #Love #Likeness #mystic #Esotericism #Esoterism #Esoteric,-love--likeness:b

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The spirit - 精神 (in english)

The Spirit.


“All men are not equal in heart and spirit.”

From A Short History of Christianity by J. M. Robertson:

“Taken individually, then, an average Christian of the second century was likely to be an unlettered person of the “lower-middle” or poorer classes; living in a town; either bitterly averse to “idols,” theatres, the circus, and the public baths, or persuaded that he ought to be; utterly credulous as to demons and miracles; incapable of criticism as to sacred books; neurotic or respectful towards neurosis; readily emotional towards the crucified God and the sacred mystery in which were given the “body and blood”; devoid alike of æsthetic and of philosophic faculty; without the thought of civic duty or political theory; much given to his ritual; capable of fanatical hatred and of personal malice; but either constitutionally sober and chaste or chronically anxious to be so, and in times of persecution exalted by the passion of self-sacrifice; perhaps then transiently attaining to the professed ideal of love towards enemies.

But the effective bonds of union for the community, whether in peace or during persecution, were rather the ruling passion of hostility to pagan beliefs and usages, and the eager hope of “salvation,” than any enthusiasm of humanity, social or even sectarian. And, as an orthodox ecclesiastic has remarked, we cannot “even cursorily read the New Testament without being astonished by the allusions so often made to immoral persons calling themselves Christians.””

From A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky:

“Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Initiation gave freedom from this gloom, gave a way of escape from the never-ending anguish of the " abodes of the dead ", gave a kind of life in death.

This idea is expressed more clearly than anywhere else in the Easter Hymn of the Orthodox Church, which undoubtedly comes from very remote pre-Christian antiquity and links the Christian idea with the idea of the Mysteries.

Christ is risen from the dead;

He has conquered death with death, And given life to those who were in tombs.

There is a remarkable analogy between the content of the Mysteries and the earthly life of Christ. The life of Christ, taken as we know it from the Gospels, represents the same Mystery as those which were performed in Egypt on the island of Philæ, in Greece at Eleusis, and in other places.

First of all the idea of esotericism tells us of the knowledge which has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has been handed down from generation to generation within small circles of initiates; this knowledge often relates to spheres which have not even been touched upon by science. In order to acquire this knowledge, and also the power which it gives, a man must go through difficult preliminary preparations and tests and prolonged work, without which it is impossible to assimilate this knowledge and to learn how to use it. This work for the mastery of esoteric knowledge, and the methods belonging to it, constitute by themselves a separate cycle of knowledge unknown to us.

One and the same idea invariably runs through the teachings originated by these people, namely, the idea that only a very few can enter the esoteric circle, though many may desire to do so and may even make the attempt.

The esoteric schools which preserve ancient knowledge, handing it over from one to another in succession, and the people who belong to these schools stand apart, as it were, from ordinary mankind, to which we belong.

According to the idea of esotericism, as applied to the history of mankind, no civilisation ever begins of itself.

There exists no evolution which begins accidentally and proceeds mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Civilisation never starts by natural growth, but only through artificial cultivation.

Esoteric schools are hidden from the eyes of ordinary humanity; but the influence of schools persists uninterruptedly in history, and has the aim, so far as we can understand this aim, of helping, when that appears possible, races which have lapsed into a barbarous state of one kind or another to emerge from that state and to enter upon a new civilisation, or a new life.

A savage or semi-savage people or an entire country is taken in hand by a man possessing power and knowledge. He begins to educate and instruct the people. He gives them a religion, he makes laws, builds temples, introduces writing, creates the beginning of art and the sciences, makes the people migrate to another country if necessary, and so on.

Theocratic government is a form of such artificial cultivation.

Biblical history from Abraham, and possibly even earlier, to Solomon, is an example of the civilising of a savage people by members of the inner circle.”

From The Kolbrin:

“The barbarian asks, “Who and What is The Supreme Spirit?” Say unto him, “Conceive it as a Being even above your greatest god. If it helps in your understanding, see The Supreme Spirit as a God reflecting His image as yourself.

The barbarian seeks a god he can see, but try and make him understand this is impossible [...].

The barbarians are still children and these things do not easily come within [...].

Because of this it may be best if they were taught by simple tales, like children, and so brought into the light gradually. A belief in The Supreme Spirit is of no great importance. An inquiry into His nature by the ignorant is purposeless foolishness.

It is of much more importance to men that they believe in their own souls.

Belief in a god of any sort without belief in the immortality of man and his godlike-ness serves no end. If a god existed without man deriving any benefit from his existence, it would be better for man to ignore him. This, however, is not the case. Man seeks unity and communion with The Supreme Spirit only for his own benefit. Man has a destiny founded in something greater than himself, and hence his need for that something.

The existence of a Supreme Being is not just something to accept, believe in and ignore. A belief, faith alone, cannot be ends in themselves, for nothing exists without purpose. Simple belief in a Supreme Being is not enough, we must know the purpose or intention of the Being. If we believe this Supreme Being created us, however this was brought about, we must seek to discover the purpose behind our creation. If we were created to serve some purpose, to do something we were intended to do, we must do it or earn our Creator’s displeasure. Does the potter keep the pot useless for its purpose, or the smith keep unwrought metal? Only things which serve the purpose for which they were intended are kept and cherished.

Therefore, we who are brothers, were taught not only to believe in a Supreme Being but also in our similarity to Him.

The Supreme Spirit is not a stranger beyond our ken, the powers of The Supreme Spirit infuse every fibre of our bodies.

For the sake of the barbarians it is perhaps best to call The Supreme Spirit, ‘God, The God without a Name.’

This will solve some difficulties, and if the barbarians think themselves superior because they contain Him within a name, let it be so and hold yourself in peace.

The barbarians make images of God to make Him more understandable. Are we much better who make images of Him in our likeness within our thoughts? Not perhaps because we believe Him so, but to make Him more understandable.

As man’s understanding of God increases, so does God recede; so that though through the ages man comes to understand God better, He ever keeps the same distance away.

We who dwell in the light of The Supreme Spirit have come closer to understanding, not because we are better men but because we have devoted our lives to the search [: the mystics].

If any man seek carefully and diligently enough he must find whatever it is he seeks.

God is not a person, but The Supreme Spirit.

They must also learn that the spirit is not something seperate from man, or something within him.

Man is spirit, man is soul.

I am not born, nor will I ever die.

I am Hahrew the Enlightened One, Hahrew the Twice Born. Having crossed the dark waters myself, I carry the others across. Being free from fear, I free others from fear. Being unrestricted, I ease the restriction of others. Knowing the way, I show it to others. Having trodden the road, I now guide others along it. I am an Illuminated One, the open of ear, the keen of eye. I am one who knows the Law, I am a keeper of ordinances.

To obtain the gem the serpent must be aroused and then overcome. To rouse this serpent is a thing not to be lightly undertaken, for it causes a fire to mount into the heart, which may destroy the brain with delusions and madness. Only the Twice Born can really obtain the gem.

Then you pass through the portal to the Hall of Judgement. Here, for the first time, your light is revealed and it is made known whether your tongue has spoken in accordance with the things within your heart.

Many are they who know the words of the tongue but sever these from what is written in the heart. If the words of the tongue are copied from the writings of the heart and are a true copy, then cross to the Place of Assessment where your true form and likeness will be displayed for all to see.

A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching body reclines within the tomb of stone.

The questing pilgrim has returned to his homehaven.

He has learned truths he could never learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced with certainty and he is now an Initiated One.

He who sees his own self in all things and all things in his own self is awakened. He is beyond delusion and outside the reach of futile sorrow.

Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.

The truly awakened soul is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for all My creation and thus he shows supreme love for Me.

If a man would know Heaven, he must first know Earth.

Man cannot understand Heaven until he understands Earth.

He cannot understand God until he understands himself, and he cannot know love unless he has been loveless.

God is unknown but not unknowable. He is unseen but not unseeable. God is unheard but not unhearable.

He is not understood but He is understandable.

The people of those times spurned all spiritual things and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people.

The goal of life is upstream, not downstream. Man must struggle against the current, not drift with the flow.”

From The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man by Lothrop Stoddard:

“It is this elite which leavens the group and initiates progress.”

From The Bow and the Club by Julius Evola:

“The last point to which I will allude in these short notes no longer pertains to the definition of the pure concept of initiation in itself, but rather to the connection between the level of initiation and that of mundane reality and history.

Particularly in recent times the conception of the secret character of the quality of the initiate has prevailed. The following saying of a Sufi (Islamic initiate) could be cited: ‘That I am a Sufi is a secret between me and God.’ The ‘hermetic’ character of the initiate is clear, moreover, from the initiatory current from which this adjective is specifically derived — alchemical Hermeticism, one of the main currents in the post-Christian West.

But if we go further back in time, a different possibility is also attested. If we focus our gaze on those civilisations which, in an eminent sense, we may call traditional — those civilisations which had an organic and sacred character and in which ‘all activities were adequately ordered from top down’ — at the centre of such civilisations we often find, quite visibly, figures with features similar to those attributed to initiates.

As this centre is constituted by an ‘immanent transcendence’, so to speak, meaning a real presence of the non-human in the human, which is expected of particular beings or elites, there is a corresponding form of spirituality which defines the initiate and distinguishes him from the priest, for example, because the priest, at best, is a mediator of the divine and the supernatural, but does not incorporate this element in himself through the character of ‘centrality’.

The ‘divine royalty’ at the origins of a great number of civilisations had precisely this metaphysical character.”

From The Upanishads translated by Sri Aurobindo:

“The unborn who is not devious-minded has a city with eleven gates: when he takes up his abode in it, he grieves not, but when he is set free from it, that is his deliverance. This is That thou seekest.

Lo, the Swan whose dwelling is in the purity, He is the Vasu in the inter-regions, the Sacrificer at the altar, the Guest in the vessel of the drinking: He is in man and in the Great Ones and His home is in the law, and His dwelling is in the firmament: He is all that is born of water and all that is born of earth and all that is born on the mountains. He is the Truth and He is the Mighty One.

This is He that draws the main breath upward and casts the lower breath downward. The Dwarf that sits in the centre, to Him all the Gods do homage.

When this encased Spirit that is in the body, falls away from it, when He is freed from its casing, what is there then that remains? This is That thou seekest.

Man that is mortal lives not by the breath, no, nor by the lower breath; but by something else WE LIVE IN WHICH BOTH THESE HAVE THEIR BEING.

Surely, O Gautama, I will tell thee of this secret and eternal Brahman and likewise what becomes of the soul when one dies.

For some enter a womb to the embodying of the Spirit and others follow after the Immovable: according to their deeds - is their goal and after the measure of THEIR REVEALED KNOWLEDGE.

This that wakes in the sleepers creating desire upon desire, this Purusha, Him they call the Bright One, Him Brahman, Him Immortality, and in Him are all the worlds established: NONE GOES BEYOND HIM. This is That thou seekest.

Even as one Fire has entered into the world, BUT IT SHAPES ITSELF TO THE FORMS IT MEETS, so there is one Spirit within all creatures, but it shapes itself to form and form: IT IS LIKEWISE OUTSIDE THESE.

Even as the Sun is the eye of all this world, yet is not soiled by the outward blemishes of the visual, so there is one Spirit within all creatures, BUT THE SORROW OF THIS WORLD SOILS IT NOT: FOR IT IS BEYOND GRIEF AND DANGER.

ONE CALM AND CONTROLLING SPIRIT WITHIN ALL CREATURES THAT MAKES ONE FORM INTO MANY FASHIONS: the calm and strong who see Him in their self as in a mirror, theirs is eternal felicity and 'tis not for others.

THE ONE ETERNAL IN THE TRANSIENT, THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS IN MANY CONSCIOUS BEINGS, WHO BEING ONE ORDERS THE DESIRES OF MANY: the calm and strong who behold Him in their self as in a mirror, theirs is eternal peace and 'tis not for others.

'This is He' is all they can realise of Him, a highest felicity which none can point to nor any define it. How shall I know of Him whether He shines or reflects one light and another?

There the sun cannot shine and the moon has no lustre: all the stars are blind: there our lightnings flash not, neither any earthly fire. For all that is bright is but the shadow of His brightness AND BY HIS SHINING ALL THIS SHINES.”

Who is He?

The spirit

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The plebs The proles and the third eye. - ザ・プレブス The prolesとその第3の目。 (in english)

The plebs The proles and the third eye.


“All men are not equal in heart and spirit.”

From A Short History of Christianity by J. M. Robertson:

“Taken individually, then, an average Christian of the second century was likely to be an unlettered person of the “lower-middle” or poorer classes; living in a town; either bitterly averse to “idols,” theatres, the circus, and the public baths, or persuaded that he ought to be; utterly credulous as to demons and miracles; incapable of criticism as to sacred books; neurotic or respectful towards neurosis; readily emotional towards the crucified God and the sacred mystery in which were given the “body and blood”; devoid alike of æsthetic and of philosophic faculty; without the thought of civic duty or political theory; much given to his ritual; capable of fanatical hatred and of personal malice; but either constitutionally sober and chaste or chronically anxious to be so, and in times of persecution exalted by the passion of self-sacrifice; perhaps then transiently attaining to the professed ideal of love towards enemies.

But the effective bonds of union for the community, whether in peace or during persecution, were rather the ruling passion of hostility to pagan beliefs and usages, and the eager hope of “salvation,” than any enthusiasm of humanity, social or even sectarian. And, as an orthodox ecclesiastic has remarked, we cannot “even cursorily read the New Testament without being astonished by the allusions so often made to immoral persons calling themselves Christians.””

From A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky:

“Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Initiation gave freedom from this gloom, gave a way of escape from the never-ending anguish of the " abodes of the dead ", gave a kind of life in death.

This idea is expressed more clearly than anywhere else in the Easter Hymn of the Orthodox Church, which undoubtedly comes from very remote pre-Christian antiquity and links the Christian idea with the idea of the Mysteries.

Christ is risen from the dead;

He has conquered death with death, And given life to those who were in tombs.

There is a remarkable analogy between the content of the Mysteries and the earthly life of Christ. The life of Christ, taken as we know it from the Gospels, represents the same Mystery as those which were performed in Egypt on the island of Philæ, in Greece at Eleusis, and in other places.

First of all the idea of esotericism tells us of the knowledge which has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years and has been handed down from generation to generation within small circles of initiates; this knowledge often relates to spheres which have not even been touched upon by science. In order to acquire this knowledge, and also the power which it gives, a man must go through difficult preliminary preparations and tests and prolonged work, without which it is impossible to assimilate this knowledge and to learn how to use it. This work for the mastery of esoteric knowledge, and the methods belonging to it, constitute by themselves a separate cycle of knowledge unknown to us.

One and the same idea invariably runs through the teachings originated by these people, namely, the idea that only a very few can enter the esoteric circle, though many may desire to do so and may even make the attempt.

The esoteric schools which preserve ancient knowledge, handing it over from one to another in succession, and the people who belong to these schools stand apart, as it were, from ordinary mankind, to which we belong.

According to the idea of esotericism, as applied to the history of mankind, no civilisation ever begins of itself.

There exists no evolution which begins accidentally and proceeds mechanically. Only degeneration and decay can proceed mechanically.

Civilisation never starts by natural growth, but only through artificial cultivation.

Esoteric schools are hidden from the eyes of ordinary humanity; but the influence of schools persists uninterruptedly in history, and has the aim, so far as we can understand this aim, of helping, when that appears possible, races which have lapsed into a barbarous state of one kind or another to emerge from that state and to enter upon a new civilisation, or a new life.

A savage or semi-savage people or an entire country is taken in hand by a man possessing power and knowledge. He begins to educate and instruct the people. He gives them a religion, he makes laws, builds temples, introduces writing, creates the beginning of art and the sciences, makes the people migrate to another country if necessary, and so on.

Theocratic government is a form of such artificial cultivation.

Biblical history from Abraham, and possibly even earlier, to Solomon, is an example of the civilising of a savage people by members of the inner circle.”

From The Kolbrin:

“The barbarian asks, “Who and What is The Supreme Spirit?” Say unto him, “Conceive it as a Being even above your greatest god. If it helps in your understanding, see The Supreme Spirit as a God reflecting His image as yourself.

The barbarian seeks a god he can see, but try and make him understand this is impossible [...].

The barbarians are still children and these things do not easily come within [...].

Because of this it may be best if they were taught by simple tales, like children, and so brought into the light gradually. A belief in The Supreme Spirit is of no great importance. An inquiry into His nature by the ignorant is purposeless foolishness.

It is of much more importance to men that they believe in their own souls.

Belief in a god of any sort without belief in the immortality of man and his godlike-ness serves no end. If a god existed without man deriving any benefit from his existence, it would be better for man to ignore him. This, however, is not the case. Man seeks unity and communion with The Supreme Spirit only for his own benefit. Man has a destiny founded in something greater than himself, and hence his need for that something.

The existence of a Supreme Being is not just something to accept, believe in and ignore. A belief, faith alone, cannot be ends in themselves, for nothing exists without purpose. Simple belief in a Supreme Being is not enough, we must know the purpose or intention of the Being. If we believe this Supreme Being created us, however this was brought about, we must seek to discover the purpose behind our creation. If we were created to serve some purpose, to do something we were intended to do, we must do it or earn our Creator’s displeasure. Does the potter keep the pot useless for its purpose, or the smith keep unwrought metal? Only things which serve the purpose for which they were intended are kept and cherished.

Therefore, we who are brothers, were taught not only to believe in a Supreme Being but also in our similarity to Him.

The Supreme Spirit is not a stranger beyond our ken, the powers of The Supreme Spirit infuse every fibre of our bodies.

For the sake of the barbarians it is perhaps best to call The Supreme Spirit, ‘God, The God without a Name.’

This will solve some difficulties, and if the barbarians think themselves superior because they contain Him within a name, let it be so and hold yourself in peace.

The barbarians make images of God to make Him more understandable. Are we much better who make images of Him in our likeness within our thoughts? Not perhaps because we believe Him so, but to make Him more understandable.

As man’s understanding of God increases, so does God recede; so that though through the ages man comes to understand God better, He ever keeps the same distance away.

We who dwell in the light of The Supreme Spirit have come closer to understanding, not because we are better men but because we have devoted our lives to the search [: the mystics].

If any man seek carefully and diligently enough he must find whatever it is he seeks.

God is not a person, but The Supreme Spirit.

They must also learn that the spirit is not something seperate from man, or something within him.

Man is spirit, man is soul.

I am not born, nor will I ever die.

I am Hahrew the Enlightened One, Hahrew the Twice Born. Having crossed the dark waters myself, I carry the others across. Being free from fear, I free others from fear. Being unrestricted, I ease the restriction of others. Knowing the way, I show it to others. Having trodden the road, I now guide others along it. I am an Illuminated One, the open of ear, the keen of eye. I am one who knows the Law, I am a keeper of ordinances.

To obtain the gem the serpent must be aroused and then overcome. To rouse this serpent is a thing not to be lightly undertaken, for it causes a fire to mount into the heart, which may destroy the brain with delusions and madness. Only the Twice Born can really obtain the gem.

Then you pass through the portal to the Hall of Judgement. Here, for the first time, your light is revealed and it is made known whether your tongue has spoken in accordance with the things within your heart.

Many are they who know the words of the tongue but sever these from what is written in the heart. If the words of the tongue are copied from the writings of the heart and are a true copy, then cross to the Place of Assessment where your true form and likeness will be displayed for all to see.

A curtain of darkness descends, there is a heavy dark mist, then the muffled crash of Thundering Doors. The aching body reclines within the tomb of stone.

The questing pilgrim has returned to his homehaven.

He has learned truths he could never learn on Earth and now knows the Grand Secret. Faith is replaced with certainty and he is now an Initiated One.

He who sees his own self in all things and all things in his own self is awakened. He is beyond delusion and outside the reach of futile sorrow.

Having arisen from the Womb of Rebirth, the spirit is completely freed from any doubt about the immortality of man.

The truly awakened soul is beyond carnal lust and mortal grief, his love is alike for all My creation and thus he shows supreme love for Me.

If a man would know Heaven, he must first know Earth.

Man cannot understand Heaven until he understands Earth.

He cannot understand God until he understands himself, and he cannot know love unless he has been loveless.

God is unknown but not unknowable. He is unseen but not unseeable. God is unheard but not unhearable.

He is not understood but He is understandable.

The people of those times spurned all spiritual things and men lived only for pleasure, caring little for the good of mankind or the future of the people.

The goal of life is upstream, not downstream. Man must struggle against the current, not drift with the flow.”

From The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under Man by Lothrop Stoddard:

“It is this elite which leavens the group and initiates progress.”

From The Bow and the Club by Julius Evola:

“The last point to which I will allude in these short notes no longer pertains to the definition of the pure concept of initiation in itself, but rather to the connection between the level of initiation and that of mundane reality and history.

Particularly in recent times the conception of the secret character of the quality of the initiate has prevailed. The following saying of a Sufi (Islamic initiate) could be cited: ‘That I am a Sufi is a secret between me and God.’ The ‘hermetic’ character of the initiate is clear, moreover, from the initiatory current from which this adjective is specifically derived — alchemical Hermeticism, one of the main currents in the post-Christian West.

But if we go further back in time, a different possibility is also attested. If we focus our gaze on those civilisations which, in an eminent sense, we may call traditional — those civilisations which had an organic and sacred character and in which ‘all activities were adequately ordered from top down’ — at the centre of such civilisations we often find, quite visibly, figures with features similar to those attributed to initiates.

As this centre is constituted by an ‘immanent transcendence’, so to speak, meaning a real presence of the non-human in the human, which is expected of particular beings or elites, there is a corresponding form of spirituality which defines the initiate and distinguishes him from the priest, for example, because the priest, at best, is a mediator of the divine and the supernatural, but does not incorporate this element in himself through the character of ‘centrality’.

The ‘divine royalty’ at the origins of a great number of civilisations had precisely this metaphysical character.”

“The third eye [...] This Secret is something that secret societies and the Illuminati have been knowing for many many years.”

Secret societies don't give a damn about the plebs. THEY ARE INITIATIC SOCIETIES, so forget the plebs and the bourgeoisie in their public.

People who are illuminated 'don't give a damn about you'. 'And for a good Reason'.

They look down on you from WHERE YOU DON'T WANT TO MOVE.

DELUSION OF GRANDEUR As if the secret societies had an interest in the plebs.

The plebs are Cattle.

Anyway, you will never “understand” how it all works.


And when I say never, 'I mean never'.

You will never “understand” 'how it all works anyway'.

You can talk 'about this crap' for ages, maintain 'the new-age' because 'that's what it really is'.

All these things will never” be ACTIVATED IN YOU.

From Crapitalism by Michael Faust:

The Three Classes.

The world has always consisted of three classes: the Patricians, the Plebeians (Plebs) and the Proletariat (Proles). In ancient Rome, the Patricians were the small elite class, the Plebs were the mass of common people, and the proles were the underclass who had no property.

In today’s world, the Patricians are the privileged elite: the super rich, the celebrities, the nobility, the aristocracy, the ownership class.

The plebs are made up of a wide range: the lower upper class, the middle class, the upper working class, and all the aspirational wannabes.

All plebs want to become Patricians and are terrified of becoming proles.”

Eternal Law. In political jargon, the bourgeois class is “called 'the social gelatin' and for a good reason”.

Patricians almost never lose their status. Plebs almost never get promoted to the Patrician class, but quite a few slip into proledom. Some proles become plebs, but most stay trapped in proledom forever.”

This means that the voters' Vote is useless.

It Serves us.

These lazy bastards “want everything free”: We should “give away 'what we have earned'”: Marx.

'Spiritual salvation'; 'initiation' “SHOULD BE FREE”; a Jesus Messiah 'saved them'.

Everything should 'BE FREE FOR THEM.'

If you give 'a millimeter to these people', THEY WILL TAKE A METER.


The plebs The proles and the third eye.
#thirdeye #Illuminati #occult #sukshma #sharir #power #mystic #Esotericism #Esoterism #Esoteric

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