periodic-reset’s diary

periodic reset of civilizations

Entries from 2021-11-13 to 1 day

The power of hate & Dark Night of the Soul - 憎しみの力&魂の暗夜 (in english)

The power of Hate & Dark Night of the Soul. IT'S A DRY, AWFUL, SENSE OF ONE’S OWN NOTHINGNESS. IF THERE EVER WERE SUPERIOR RACES before ours, OURS IS NOT WORTH IT. There will be 'no way' to awaken the ENTIRE POPULATION, and we will be 'doo…

Homo americanus vs Homo sovieticus: & EGALITARIANISM - そして 平等主義 (in english)

Homo americanus vs Homo sovieticus: & EGALITARIANISM. “From a sociological perspective, hierarchy and egalitarianism ARE MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. Organizations that are hierarchical are, by definition, the opposite of those that are “egalitaria…